10 reasons to Move to Louisbourg

1: Living by the ocean is a joy in itself.
 The sea and the harbour is beautiful and always changing. There is always a new ship or a whale or something, plus the best looking lighthouse in Nova Scotia.
 Louisbourg is the most historic harbour in Canada. Battles here settled the course of Canada and the United States.
 2: Complete range of houses and properties from $10,00 to $500,000. You can find houses that are half of what they are in Ontario especially if you want to downscale. Low property taxes that can be fixed for seniors. 
 3: Weather. The weather in Louisbourg is consistantly better then weather in Southern Ontario. It is milder and has less snow in the winter and is cooler in summer. We might have a bit more fog and more wind but almost all major storms and hurricanes miss us even lighting storms are rare. No tornadoes,  No floods, no avalanches.

4: Fresh Clean  Air all the time. Excellent fresh soft Water right from the Tap   Fresh seafood, Best Lobster in the world, crab halibut etc.
5: Terrific Infrastructure. Highspeed internet and cable right at the door. Garbarge collection, Snow ploughing roads and sidewalks always clean. You can walk the streets anytime of year.
 6: Many Organizations and Churches, Volunteer Work galore good community Services.
 7: Major hospital 30 minutes away. Fast local Ambulance service (no traffic) Volunteer Fire Department. Airport is 30 minutes away. City is 30 minutes away.
 8: Playhouse all summer,  Recreation:   4 major golf course within an hour away. Unlimited Hiking, Hunting and Fishing. Swimming on clean sandy beaches. Great Hockey in Sydney
 9: Great opportunities for Artists and Hobbyists. The tourist business is much under exploited
 10: Friendly people, Everbody waves to everybody. Virtually zero crime rate.

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